The big day has arrived. I have some effort into a costume, part borrowed from work and some scary make-up. Usually just something to scare the few kids at the door. I know Jeff wrestled with putting something together for his work team theme. No major parties this weekend for moi. But it would feel incomplete if I didn't carve the pumpkin and participate. So instead, I will align with one of the HUGE trends invading Halloween; Pet Costumes. On Facebook, everyone is posting and I have seen that stores from Target to Chuck & Don's have jumped on the bandwagon with swag for all pets at steep prices. Apparently if you sell it - they will come. Waylon would never stand to wear anything much less a leash. He will be having a dandy time as the doorbell rings time after time tonight. Alas, some voyeurism via everyone's favorite Dog Blog, There are some pretty unique and clever costumes out there.
No idea how credible this Halloween tip actually is. I am reading it as a posting from the Associated Press and not the Onion. But if true, this is right out of a Wes Craven Horror film. Our story begins in the squeaky clean suburban village of Farmingdale NY. Setting the stage are a decorated house with typical pumpkins, cobwebs and a fake graveyard. Getting creepier is a nearby apartment building where one starts to notice a trail of what appears to be blood. Jarringly next, a severed head with long black hair face down in the street. And ultimately, next to the house is the remaining body, hands at the side. The scene was so macbre, that everyone who noticed it at first thought it was a Halloween prank. Not to be - all true. Then mysteriously, a short hour later, an unnamed 30 year old man is struck and killed in the same town by a Long Island Railroad train. Too suspicious? It certainly sounds like it. Creepy crawly for sure!
I have been sitting on this video prank for a short while and trying to find the right opportunity to tie it in for a posting. This is hardly Halloween or scary, but certainly qualifies as a major mischief prank, which I am all about. They are a brother duo from Norway called Ylvis based on their last name; Vegard & Bard Ylvisaker. Somehow the art form they do falls between cabaret and performance art. Watching them, they have a vast range of talents and smarts. My only familiarity with them is their Pop song What Did the Fox Say? I thought they were an emerging pop act, but in actuality this song is merely a spoof parody in the vein of Weird Al that somehow managed to find world conquest and not at all indicative of the true work they usually do. In their homeland, they are media darlings that span the broad array from radio, television and music. The video link here is a prank they collaborated on with a luxury hotel (uncredited) and broadcast on a network television special. They are able to monitor the guests as they enter the elevator, comment to them via the sound speaker and manipulate the elevator experience with hilarious results. They manage to speak and sing in every language possible; all in the context of improvisation. An amazing pair and I need to pay closer attention to their antics and work. I was only able to load the 1st of the 4 episodes. It is well worth your effort to click on the YouTube icon to find the other 4 listed as well. Hilarity ensues
From the world of freaky Clowns, we digress to the genre of Scary Ladies Outfits. Another fun video feature from BuzzFeed. Five guys try on ridiculously awkward and supposedly sexy Halloween costumes for women. By pictures, they look straight off the rack from either K-Mart or Lickety Split downtown in the warehouse district. None of them is flattering - on male or female. All are cheaply made and not worth the price tag for a single wear. And bordering on offensive in terms of a tawdry Nun or a loose Girl Scout. But maybe the point is all about fun and jest? No idea what I will play out as. Good thing I work at a theater with racks of storage on the 4th floor.
As we approach the stretch of Halloween, something that leans toward the haunted. I have no idea what I will dress as. I have never been afraid of clowns - coulrophobia to be exact. I have heard some negative feedback on the portrayals of the current American Horror Story but have not seen it yet. I know I did torment my baby brother a bit with a ventriloquist doll which sort of constitutes a clown fear. But here is a photo album of hairy gay men who take the art of clowning to a new level. Part Cirque and part Beastie Fantasy. Done by Dusti Cunningham, I thought they were good for a look-see. Maybe erotic camp?? Should I try it LOL?
It seems that the momentum is on in the next step of gay equal rights. The Marriage Equality quotient is jumping exponentially. None of us would have guessed this even a short two years ago. I am lucky to have that option here in MN although I am not quite ready for wedding bells any time in my near future. I did go to a glorious wedding of friends late this summer that was a perfect ceremony in every way for the two that made the leap. So I thought this brand new sketch by Key & Peele sheds some humor and enlightenment on any of you that might not have had this sort of life experience YET.