I thought that before I draft up the New Years list for tomorrow (and it is already in ink), that I should take a few short seconds to reflect back on this year. We are always in such a hurry to move forward, that I am learning it is helpful to stay in the same spot for a short while and take a look around. I would say this has been a good habit for me to grasp the past year. Here are some milestones; some huge and others just a wee stirring.
Macy's Parade with the Madison Scouts - obviously a HUGE highlight and bucket list item in so many ways. I always regretted that I had to leave before my age-out year. I have stayed close to members and the activity, but it was a personal gift to re-enter the ranks and recreate the magic in such a huge way. The bonding, the work ethic and the adrenaline rush of icy cold New York with Balloons and Santa. I have seen many parades in my life, but this was tops.
New York with Jeff - we have had small getaways to Duluth or Des Moines. But in all our time we have never had the adventure of a real whirlwind vacation. This was great life lessons, sightseeing and company.
Waylon - all dogs are great companions. But this one is truly the best I have ever the pleasure of sharing in my life. What a playmate and sweet soul and I never tire of the morning ritual of wet kisses to wake me up.
My Summer Garden - each year there are the inevitable sad losses that a Minnesota winter can bring. This year it was my two gorgeous trees that I had planted in my 1st years here. But the seasons also bring the colors of old friends back and the addition of new ones. I can never spend too much time in the warm sun watching the flowers change from day to day.
the Firepit and Sunsets at Lake Calhoun - There is something about dusk, the bright colors of the sun on the horizon and water. I spend many a night just sitting on the grass taking it in. Or starting an evening fire and toasting up a marshmallow with a glass of red wine. Definitely a summer boy.
Harvest trip to Erie with Class reunion - I think I love getting home to see family most of all in the late Fall. The trees ablaze, the smell of grapes being harvested and apples all around. There is never enough time. But I was very fortunate to reconnect with old friends and spend quality time with family across many miles.
Summer Drum Corps and Winter Guard - I can't believe that 40 years later, I am still involved in this crazy activity that few really understand yet it gives me such joy. The sound of a wall of brass on a field or the soaring of a beautiful flag to the right piece of music. And that I get to judge this is amazing; that I am often the best seat in the house. I truly love the great things that continue to happen and emerge.
my Cabaret work - this had been a vow of mine a few years back. I don't know that I have retired from stage work, but have certainly been on hiatus. But the cabaret work I do with TCCAN has given me the home I have been seeking and the opportunity to become the artist I always wanted to be. I can spend hours digging up a lost piece of music, working on an arrangement or listening to obtuse recordings hoping to find a gem. And then I get to sing and share it with others. Look for much more to come on this front in 2015.
Thought before I start to fire off the new list of 2015 Resolutions, I should do a bit of evaluation on how I did the past year. I can tell in advance - expectations were too high and deliverance was not on par. Boo Hoo, time to reset.
Baking/ Cooking - B+; the goal was to fire up the kitchen at least once a week. This was probably my strong suit. Facebook posts showed much of the output in terms of baking from cookies to cupcakes. But in between, there were several crock pot dinners, a warm breadmaker or fires over the summer in the firepit.
Twitter - A; was to become my voice for a political agenda. This Blog is my rant for all things dainty, comic and hopefully occasionally something profound. But to me Twitter is a chance to stay current on important issues and "speak out" on things that matter to me - with a barb thrown here or there! 276 posts means almost every day.
Basement - C-; there were several attempts, a few boxes shifted and runs to the thrift store with clutter. The new storm windows almost got put in after 2 years, but we missed the "opening" before the cold set in. Not likely a winter project - on hold til spring. (I did find the lost holiday stockings.)
Scanning Pictures - B-; There were often the #TBT pics from my past. If not every week, a few times a month. Especially after the trip home with a bundle of vintage snapshots. Now to organize them in my digital folders.
Happy Hour/ Game Nights - F; epic fail. Maybe a few cocktails on patios with a Groupon. But otherwise nothing on the calendar panned out. Big regrets on this one!
Letters - C; an old resolution that has stood the test of time. To reach out to family and friends with a real stamped letter. Maybe not as strong as previous years, but the intention was still there. Always a matter of time.
Book a Month - D-; I don't know what happened. I used to be a voracious reader in school. Maybe I burned out on text books? All I had to do was read one a month and I got through 2 and 2 1/2 books. That makes it more than 4 months to read a single novel. Dreadful.
Wellness - D; I did take in a few Gorilla Yoga classes at the lake. Doctor visits. And some mental time out brought my blood pressure down. But not the rituals that it should be. I'd kill for a hot tub or sauna for inspiration.
Vacation - B+; I was supposed to have that respite on a sandy beach. Alas that didn't happen. But I did have a great NYC trip with Jeff and the Madison Scouts, an Erie trip for a class reunion and a few good judging trips to get away and find a nice restaurant.
I feel like my Christmas online presence has been lacking a bit this year. Time and energy seem to be in other places. So it is with holiday joy that I share this video with you.
This song is one of THREE that Kool 108 constantly plays out of the 1000's that could be in their holiday hit list. The other two are anything by Andy Williams or Amy Grant. I change the channel on any of them. And I found the Mariah Carey "live" mishap quite hilarious. So it was with some trepidation that I actually pressed the click link.
But I was pleasantly surprised by the Oxford rendition of this tune. It is campy, playful and just enough of a detour away from something Glee, that I thought it might be worth and additional share. Ho Ho Ho!
felt like I was one of the last to join the MP3 media circus 10 years
ago. I loved my CD library and was hesitant to convert to something on
my computer. But I was persuaded to move on over to a 80GB early
model. It gave me hard drive issues at one point and was factory
refurbished. But as today, it has managed to bypass several crashes or
drops and is still my go-to model to plug into the stereo. (Although Google Play gives it a good run for my money despite limited space for my eons of digital music.)
had several early run-ins where I would accidentally uncheck the entire
library while adding playlists. iTunes was much less user friendly in
those days. But now my Virgo tendencies have the total library sorted
out in my own determined genres, rare cover-art added in and Playlists
to handle any season of the year or mood swing I might have. It is
safely backed up on an external hard drive that could easily fit in my
pocket instead of the bookcases of CD and album stacks littered around
the house.
whole point of this post is that while these iPod Classics are now
discontinued as the streaming world is the preferred mode, my original
model is worth upwards of $300-400 from vintage collectors. Not that I
am quite willing to part with it yet! But it does amaze me that what
used to be a collectible went back a few decades or generations, it now
stands that a mere 10 years is a lifetime in consumer products.
This post has absolutely no relation to the holiday season. But because I am an avid gardener, there is never a bad time to be thinking about spring and the bounty of new seeds.
Each year I am trying to be a more conscious nurturer of the earth and harvesting seeds to share with others. I am sure I have shared Seed Savers down in IA who has a whole mission to preserve heirloom varieties and endless vaults of historic seeds stored. The idea of seed sharing is becoming increasing popular just like recipe sharing or book clubs. Take what you have and spread it around.

Duluth - organic and granola city that it is, has even used the local library system to support this sharing. That is until Dec. 1st when it was shit down by the MN Dept of Agriculture. The reason given is that the seeds are not formally tested prior to distribution. This same department regulates the selling of seeds which is circumspect in my mind. I understand permits et al. But this is ultimately about sharing with other like minds and I don't see the conflict overflowing into the commercial sector. Every year I give small handfuls of my garden to family. Or pass roots off to a neighbor who is wanting some of my fabulous colors. Is this a violation of state horticulture? What about the seeds I purchase through a local garden center - am I entitled to a full refund if any those seeds do not emerge? Steve Malone from the State says that normally batches of 400 seeds are tested. Is this really necessary for library patrons that are bringing in packets of 25-50 seeds? Another example of bureaucracy.
Not really Christmas related, but something for these long winter solstice nights. In the Dutch town of Eindhoven, artist Daan Roosegaarde has paid homage
to its most famous resident, Vincent Van Gogh, by creating a glowing
bike path that relies on solar-powered LED light. The half-mile walking and bike path is lit by 1000s of tiny solar powered lights that emulate the impressionist works of the painter. Beautiful swirls of shattered indigo and turquoise bursts of color on the foot path. Another small item to put on the travel Bucket List.
Many of my close friends know that I have always had a thing for the Osmonds; particularly Donny over as many years. I have been an avid fan for decades and watched him emerge as teen superstar, into pop-soul singer, then a theater junkie in Joseph, and back to his television stints as host of his own show and $10,000 Pyramid. (I did not tune in to see his triumph on Dancing With the Stars) His 2 holiday discs are the first to come back into rotation this time of year. His voice is still tops and I admire his cynical humor that has dodged tireless bullets.
I saw this great article in the Washington Post that reflects back on the team of Donny & Marie as they continue their 6 year run in Las Vegas. It seems genuine and sincere with a learned perspective. I admire them for never selling out and defying odds of their squeaky clean image that still haunt them to this day. I'd gladly buy a ticket to their show and be widely entertained. Until then - check out his solo holiday disc which is great for some fireside festive cheer.
Donny & Marie in the Post
In anticipation of the Peter Pan Live on NBC; it is likely to amass just as much scrutiny and smearing as last year's poor Carrie Underwood in the Sound of Music. I'm not quite sure if I will be tuned in for it.
But here's some money's worth for it delivered by the delightful Jane Krakowski in a parody for Funny or Die. It is part Jenna from 30 Rock in desperation as she models her Tony Award, dons a ridiculous accent, snorts fairy dust and attempts to fly off of a folding chair. Only hoping that the actual show is this entertaining.
Jane Krakowski IS Peter Pan