I can't even believe that I am buying into this and perpetuating this gratuitous nonsense. But here it is - tis the season. When you think of this Easter season, what do you see? Cute little bunnies? Chocolate treats? Bright colored eggs? I'm betting that none of you came up with hot male asses painted in pretty pastel Mac cosmetics! I'll give you the curiosity factor. A room full of sexy men with their pants down. But I find it a bit odd to be staring at their cracks with a rainbow of tempura paints and some artistic whimsy. I get the current adult coloring book craze. But this takes it one step too far. They are all smiling and laughing in the pics. But I am having a hard time finding the point of access and tieing it into the season. At least face painting serves a purpose. What do you do with this when the "egg's" are finished? Pull up your pants and make a smeared mess in your tidy-white Calvin Kleins. They are about as equivalent as a woman getting a crayola drawing of colored balloons on her breasts. What do you think - yeah or nay?
Sophia Loren is at least a generation before me. I am aware of her legacy even though I don't know the catalog of her films. Especially because so many are native to her Italia. I am just familiar with her ageless beauty that has spanned nearly 75 years. To me she has always had that magical chemistry. From modest roots in a small town in a shelter during the war, and then later being plucked from a soundstage of extras - she continues to make an impact. She was given an honorary OSCAR as "a treasure of world cinema."
She still has the glamour without all the fixings and traps of a plastic exterior. Here is a new promo campaign for a Dolce & Gabbana perfume line which mirrors her grace in the renovation of a luxurious Italian villa. We see her in work clothes and plaster. At first I thought it outlandish, but on reflection thought that maybe it was at least a remote possibility from somewhere in her life. Of course she is surrounded by hunky male models, alabaster ceilings and courtyards of roses. But when it comes to the final climax of the short film, all eyes go to her and a single red rose.
As I was writing about the gender norms for Men and featured Glitter Beards, I also stumbled onto the reverse for the Women. Pants and panty hose have long passe. Looking at this year's Oscar fashion plates, the envelope is always being pushed in both directions.
Voila! Meet Kay Pike who uses the world of body make-up to bring the androgyny of Comic Con to reality to gorgeous female models who are transformed into male action heroes. Her work is so detailed that the resulting models don't even appear to be in human form. She is creating such a unique art form that she shares it by live streaming of her models being transformed on line in real time. And on second viewing, I was amazed beyond belief that the model in question is usually herself. By using a simple mirror she sculpts her face and body into something beyond belief. She Aquaman, Robin and an entire army of Sci Fi come to life.
If you have time; here is her web link to watch in actual time when it happens.
The world of Metrosexuals and lumberjack men keeps getting more complicated with the addition of man buns in addition to floral pattern suits in the latest GQ. I have no idea what gender-normal means any more. I myself have always been a bit of a dandy who prefers bright colors, bold socks and a bit of bling in bow ties or cuff links. I was among those making bold and bad fashion choices in the 80s with crop tops, leg warmers and Miami Vice pastels. I even remember being persecuted a bit in grade school for wearing neck chokers or fringe vests because Donny Osmond did on his television show. Him and Tom Jones were the epitome of "hip" for me. This week I went to a wine bar where the tenders were such droids with their blue flannel shirts, Chelsea boots and requisite beards. All three of them looked identical. I have never been the beard type - once in a while for a show. Even then it was usually a stick-on type with spirit gum or toupee tape. I don't think facial hair fits my shape or coloring. What-evs.
However I am taken with this photo gallery montage of Glitter Beards. It somehow manages to be both burly and campy. Sort of like Paul Bunyan meets Ru Paul. Theatrical and playful. If I was gonna don a beard, I would want it to look like this - without the daily upkeep. I am more of a wash and wear kind of guy. Check out the full collection below. Bearded Brutes by Mark Leeming.