A good dose of humor is often needed in these turbulent times. I found some prime examples of bad architecture and poor planning as a photo series. They are all compiled by Mind Circle. And must be seen to be believed. Take a look at the entire link as each one seems to get more convoluted than the previous. What the Hell were they thinking?
I have always been an inquisitive learner. I excelled in school and sort of conquered in college with 2 degrees and a Minor in 4 years! I just finished a mini MBA in my "elder" years. But in my daily life I am also constantly seeking new methods, uncovering new facts and exploring new fields. Continuing Education for the long haul. I have never been the bookish type who learns from reading. I would rather DO and intuit by trail & error. I was surprised to stumble onto a suggested website via Facebook this week. How did I ever miss this in the first place? But a new virtual learning center called Masterclass.com. If you aren't familiar with the term - a Masterclass is a studio audience with a seasoned pro; or a Master in the field. There is an contingent of artists who are watching while a small handful of bold students are asked to come "on stage" and demonstrate where they are critiqued by the professional and given suggestions to improve upon said performance. It requires an open mind to be subjected to such scrutiny in front of peers. But it is also immediate for the entire class to learn valuable tools in real time.
So this concept of an on-line masterclass is brilliant in that you get many of the same lessons, without having to put yourself in the spotlight for feedback that can be intimidating. But most impressive are the credentials of the on line masters. These are not B-leaguers from Dancing with the Stars. They are true masters of their craft. Names like Ron Howard in film direction. Helen Mirren in Stage Acting. Hans Zimmer in Film Composition. Herbie Hancock in Jazz. The roster goes on and on into everything from Tennis to Chess. And what is even more impressive, is that they are not just a single session. Each topic has been broken down into a Program that packs lesson plans and plots out each step of development. For instance: Annie Liebowitz offers up a 15 class session on photography that goes from Portrait Photography to Working with Light to Influences. At $90, each class breaks down to around $7/ per. What a great bargain. Even better is to pay up $180 for unlimited access across the board. I may have to splurge on this!
This is a dated post, but I wanted to share it before we get too far away from the Awards Season. Obviously, there are so many prizes handed out in every genre from Nobel Prizes to roses on the Bachelor. We are an American society obsessed with gratification. And I don't mean in any way to acquiesce to that mentality. But I do mourn the loss of our local Ivey Awards. Yes they were awards in name; but so much more in spirit. It was equally about celebrating our community and theater history in the Twin Cities.
In a earlier times, the Academy Awards seemed to be in that same vein. Yes there were the backstage dramas and publicity stunts back then. But there was also an absence of political slant, endorsements and awards campaigns by the film companies. There used to be more elegance & reverence to the whole festivity. This is different than a garish costume and walking the red carpet for flimsy questions doled out by a pseudo celebrity from the E! network. This is not to say that there aren't still true "Stars" in the Hollywood ranks. Those writers, cinematographers and actors who have a sense of integrity and carry themselves with distinction. I caught a lovely photo montage in the official Vanity Fair portraits shot by Mark Seliger. They are regal, timeless and introspective. Works of art in themselves. Telling of each "model." See the entire album at: Bored Panda: Variety Fair Oscars