I am catching up here on a feature from City Pages well over a year back. This tells you something there. We started out trying a concept called Fishbowl Dating where we would each put in strips of paper with unusual adventures on them. And when time came, we would draw one out and that became our outing. I know where that fishbowl rests in the armoire stereo cabinet with quite a handful of tags right where they were left. Part of our challenge is that Jeff likes indoor stimulation like films and museums and I am more of the outdoor type in the woods with trees or along a sandy beach.

There are of course, many bar options. Some greasy ones. But also fun kitsch like Marvel Bar & Volstead's Emporium which I have not seen yet. I've done the cheap berm seats at the Saints, but we have never done the roof top mini golf at either the Walker or Centennial Lakes. I also cannot believe that we have never boarded the infamous Ferris Wheel at Betty Dangers! We do Minnehaha with the dogs all the time, but I don't believe we have followed it all the way into the Mississippi and the caves. Who knew the U of MN had a Bioscience Greenhouse? The House of Balls on the West Bank? Did you know that the Parkway has film fests called Scream It Off the Screen where at 3 minutes into the film, the audience shouts back at the screen to yae or nay. Sort of like a live Gong Show. We do love the board games at the original Chatterbox. But I had no idea the Local had a kissing booth in the back of the bar??? So many things to chose from in this exhausting list. Or perhaps it will stimulate some ideas of your own.

50 First Dates