Lutsen Super Bowl getaway
Just so everyone knows - this is a flash back entry, not current. But a decade or so back, there was an annual tradition in town to board a busload of gay men & women, party on the ride up and hit the gorgeous slopes of Lutsen Mountain for a great weekend of skiing over Super Bowl Sunday. Apparently most of us could care less about the "big game" and Lutsen was looking to fill up some spare rooms on a slow weekend.
This was not your typical weekend at the chalet. There were dancers, pool parties, and even tropical themed soirees in the suites we shared. I somehow landed on board and had a great time, although it is only one of 2 times in my entire life I have been on downhill skis. My two favorite stories of the adventure:
Skinny dipping in the lodge pool on night one. On arrival, there was an elaborate pizza party mixer with beer of course (after the keg on the aforementioned bus ride.) I met several new friends and as the evening was winding down, we were itching to take a swim in the gorgeous main pool. But we found it silly to venture out into the frigid cold and go back to our rooms JUST to fetch our Speedo suits. This was 2000 before the dawn of board shorts - and gay men no less! So we decided to just shuck our clothes and dive in. It was at least 1:00 AM and no one else seemed to be around. Expect for the custodian who blew a gasket when he stumbled upon us. The big buzz the next morning was the gossip of the naked orgy in the pool. Funny how those kind of stories get blown far out of proportion in a group of that size. We all just kept out mouths shut and giggled.
Story two was my aptitude for skiing. I had done so only once with my brother in college and I remember coming in from the cold to near lacerations on my arms and legs from my falls. I had great balance, but no idea how to stop, so I simply flung myself to the ground in minus zero weather and had no idea of the welts I was receiving. So in Lutsen, it was suggested that I take an early morning class for free. Which went just fine. But I discovered by the time everyone else was hitting the slopes at noon, I didn't want to stay by myself on the bunny runs. SO I hopped onto the gondola and followed suit having no idea I had arrived at one of the black diamond runs. Of course the only way down is forward. So being bold and fearless, that is exactly what I did. I did take a few tumbles, but was well within range of the others and have great pics of me on very icy slopes with gorgeous views of Lake Superior in the vista. Something I have longed to get back to since...
I also remember these fun trips. Thanks for the nostalgia.