You all must know that technology is an asset I crave and I continue to use my tablet more and more. Good or bad, it keeps me on the cutting edge of the trend world supposedly. I remember the last Summer Olympics and being able to digest a steady stream of on-line viewing to every single event should I choose. The world at our fingers!
So with excitement, I have been scouring to find the best virtual links to Sochi this week. I have to admit, they have not been all easy. Just trying to find a good app to monitor and follow the games themselves has been difficult. Most of them have Russian developers, so maybe that is some of the conflict. I can easily find the date and time of every sporting event, but details are severely lacking. Maybe this is also because athletes and the teams are still being decided even at this late stage of the game. They do however all seem to be big on medal counts?!
These are the two I will most likely be using, minute to minute to track the action. promises live streams and we will see how they play out.
Olympic Athlete's Hub - and for those wanting something more Fan based, this portal from the offical Olympic IOC. It is a huge network that taps into all the atheletes, Facebook pages, Twitters feeds and Instagram hubs which will only become more saturated as the Games go on. You can follow personal favorites or just trends. It is playing out in a myraid of languages right now with teams landing and taking photo ops, but I am guessing we will get some great candid information in real time once the Games begin.
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