I have been in a funk the last few days and postings have been lapse because of a vehicle accident last Thursday. Let me preface by saying that I am fine and walked away with a few pains in my back, but no broken bones or scratches. But the whole incident has been a lesson for me in patience and stress management. Without bitching too much, here are some elements that have been weighing on me:
Minneapolis Police were less than sympathetic in my case. Sort of like a clinical doctor that has no tact or personal skills. They took far too long to respond and were not able to answer many questions other than asking for ID and proof of insurance. I felt as if they had a donut run to make and I was taking up their valuable time.
The other driver is obviously at fault for running a red light and slamming into the ass of my car while I managed to navigate obstacles like traffic lights, light pole and fire hydrants. Two generous witnesses came forward immediately to offer contact info. The first thing the woman asked me was "what happened?" then proceeded to muddle about crowded city streets, narrow lanes and trying to follow her GPS instead of watching the light she just plowed through.
Next was the dilemma of towing and I am resolute to NEVER use #BobbynSteve's again. Roadside rescue just plugs into a network and I have no idea how they determine who responds. So I sat and waited 2 1/2 hours for someone to eventually come as dusk grew into darkness. At one point Roadside asked if help had arrived and we found that the original tow had turned around and taken another job. I assume they are paid by the tow and since I was needing a 15 mile tow to the dealership where I purchased my Ford, they had better money to make? A second truck was dispatched and I was told a 6-7 minute wait after another hour - which amounted to at least 30. Bonus points to #PizzaHut delivery boy who must have seen me over the two hours and offered me a cold drink on the curb.Guess who's business will reap my rewards after... Final insult came 12 hours later the next AM. I had wanted to arrive before 9PM so I could catch the last of the service desk and deal with a rental car. But by the next morning, the car was nowhere to be found - for almost 8 hours! The delivery truck had dropped the car off in the wrong used lot 1/2 mile away and no one could track down where the vehicle was. Then came the crux of where the keys were left. I still have never heard how this was all resolved.
Finally, the other driver has yet to respond to either me or #Statefarm - after several phone calls and a letter the next day. Can you say red flag?! It is obvious she has no insurance and is evasive until a lawyer is involved. Despite the fact that MPD checked her ID and cards. So it looks like I am paying for rental cars, deductible and other costs until a drawn-out lawsuit can track down her stats. $1000 or so that I don't have sitting around. I am usually mild mannered, but my dark side is screaming revenge and don't cross Joey B.
Meanwhile Jeff tries to be resourceful and gracious by reminding me that I have health and am able to sleep through the night. Remember - I have a birthday coming up and have been a good boy all year :)
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