Summer Board-dom
I keep promising myself that summer should be a time for friends, a drink on the back patio and a round of Board Games that I love so much. In a fit of late spring cleaning, I scoured the den closet and tossed out some 20+ board games like Dr Ruth's Sex Game and Barbie Dream Date. They were bought at garage sales or thrifts stores and never played. Even so; I am left with a solid 4-shelf rack of every favorite you could ever want.
You like @Clue? My favorite. But I don't stop there. I have Master Detective Clue with double the suspects and rooms. Museum Detector Clue with wired detectors and special snoop privileges. Clue Mansion with audio clues and magnet playing pieces. The Simpson's Clue. James Bond Spy Clue. And the elusive find I have yet to nab, The Office Clue. (If you have it lying in a basement or ever see it on a shelf; hold it for a belated holiday gift.)
I bring all this up to tie into a Metro UK blog list of 17 Board Games from the 80's & 90's which supposedly made an impact on our life. Of course I was curious. Of course Monopoly, Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit top the list. I have deluxe versions of all three! But there are other gems there like the Game of Life which I loved - where you had to make strategic choices on career and family with the gorgeous rainbow spinner in the center. Mousetrap with it's many pieces. It takes patience to play, but boy is it fun when you all reach the end of the board with the mouse net contraption and your spare pieces of cheese! How about Operation with its funny bone, tweezers and buzzer of a red nose? I have the Shrek version which adds even more hilarity to the game. One called Ghost Castle which I'm pretty sure is the step child of my Green Ghost which had a raised board with glow-in-the dark playing pieces and a ghost spinner.
I bring all this up not to reminisce, but to make sure all friends encourage me to have some summer slumber party fun and get them out to play. They are no fun sitting in a dark closet and I love playing any of them with any other eager nuts.
17 Board Games
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