I also get caught between traditions and new discovery. Jeff and I tried something new in a Christmas brunch at the casino - great bargain, good food and plenty to choose from without making nary a mess at home. I can't say that we would do it again, but we ventured... So a week later I am also trying resolutions with a twist.

I always rack my brain and come up with a major shopping list of things to achieve. More than is genuinely possible. So I started thinking this year about the minimal trend and taking only what I could handle. But the conundrum was, which to trim from the multiple ideas I came up with. I decided to keep the entire kitchen sink of chores, but to back off of some of the pressure from the achievement end. I am going to call them New Year's possibilities. All great thoughts and worthy of an attempt. We shall see if this shift in ideology helps. In no specific order, here they are.
- Wear a tie once a week - I have a great closet full of clothes, and in the corner a dashing tie rack which is never noticed. Certainly one a week might brighten the wardrobe!
- Baking - I love flour and sugar tasks in the kitchen and am always eager to play. I had once said to bake once a week, but this now lifts the burden to whenever I feel the urge and craving.
- Game nights - these just have to happen. An excuse to gather friends, the sport of the game and always a competitive edge!
- Letter a week - I drift in and out of this one, but have great efforts. I am trying to override the social media campaigns and make real connections to friends and family using the US Post Office and a thoughtful letter with a stamp.
- Genealogy - a decade back I invested hours into the family tree and my heritage. Perhaps it is time to dig again and see what new secrets I can find in the virtual world to uncover more of my roots.
- Yoga/ Nightly work outs - I really enjoy this. It is simply a matter of time and priorities and I shall try to bump them up on the list.
- Breakfast - I am terrible when it comes to food and meals. I exist of fumes most of the day and then start to pass out come mid afternoon. I simply need to tell my mind my stomach is hungry and eat on the go if needed.
- Meditate - I did some wellness coaching a few years back and this was crucial to my Virgo tendencies which are non stop. So I must unplug for a mere 5 minutes every day for a mandatory reset. Easy Peasey. And before bed does not count, the reboot by then is useless.
- Spanish lessons - I found a great app last year called Duolingo that was clever, fun to learn; but I didn't keep up with the training. So I shall give it a second go.
- Scan pictures - I am always a photo hound. I used to be very good at hard copies and sorting them all out in boxes and albums. But now with digital I really should be dealing with not only the new photos, but going back into 50 years of archives and getting them in JPG form. #TBT on Facebook - hold me to it.
- Two solo Cabaret gigs - I keep pushing myself on this one. I have one set in stone for Feb. and want to make sure that I can find time for another before the year finishes up.
- Three Household projects - this old home needs so much work and care. I really should get hands dirty and accomplish 3 grand things this year.
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