random thoughts that cross my mind and might be worth sharing.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Hot Wheels Heaven
There were a handful of childhood toys that remain with me; Incredible Edibles, Jane & Johnny West dolls, Astronaut G.I. Joe.... But Hot Wheels left one of the most indelible impressions on me. I had the yellow suitcase with all the square compartments for each car. I would constantly rotate the favorites week to week as I'd take the box over to neighbors to play. It was always a special treat to grab a new model off the rack at KMart where they had an entire aisle of them hanging in their small 8 inch boxes. And it was a revelation when they came out with the looping bright orange track - although more often than not, my cars would hesitate on the lift and then fall flat to the floor. This dizzying display is a world of wonder. With lanes & lanes of traffic and a huge conveyor belt lift. It looks like the L.A. freeway. Amazing. Lego Village, Erector sets, or even my sister's Easy Bake Oven didn't hold a candle to my Hot Wheels.
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