The insane quest to construct a massive border wall on the Mexican national line has continued to divide both literally and figuratively over the last 12 months. Conversation continues to bubble and brew. Sides are deeply entrenched as well. I definitely know where I stand on the subject - liberal snowflake that I am. Inclusion has always seemed like a better option as compared to alienating. Giving each other voice and a place at the table at least offers up humanity & dignity, even if any two sides ultimately agree to disagree. I think so much of it is generational and younger minds don't carry the baggage of their elders. This week I was drawn to 2 unique commentaries on this Wall. Both of course, are shared by artists. But more importantly, both also involve and engage community which is key to any conversation.
The first is a French artist named simply JR and occurred back in Oct '17. He is a street artist whose work is usually pop-up in nature and meant to invoke. This project involved a bench-table built at the border in the small town of Tecate Mexico. It was called the Giant Picnic as the table was built on both side of the border with an "eye of the dreamer" on each of the two areas. Once built, what followed next was a community meal shared over one massive table with live music during the feast. And rather than being met with resistance, even Boarder Security agents joined in the festivities as part of a toast.

The second is the blurred line where art & inspiration meets corporate branding. It is a short film produced by Diesel and directed by David LaChappelle. It is called Make Love Not Walls and stars ballet sensation Sergei Polunin. It is not any defined place, the wall could be any alley separated by metal and barbed wire. It is sexy and slick, but features free spirits from every culture imaginable coming together to burst through the barriers and unite in one generous tribe of joy.
Both signal of Hope and Unity. And both charges are led by the inspiration of a new and bold younger generation.
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