So when I stumble across an interesting feature on #Words, it piques my interest for sure. Especially when you bring politics into the mix! The Broadway force that is #Hamilton is a great arena where the two can clash with fireworks. Via a great story on the Mind Circle, it lists 30 "lost" words in the English language compiled by York University. With typical British "cheek" they also bounce off the tongue easily which makes them all the more fun to insert into conversations. All the words have something to do with corruption. Some favorites:
Coney–catch, b, v: To swindle, cheat; to trick, dupe, deceive
Quacksalver, n: A person who dishonestly claims knowledge of or skill in medicine; a pedlar of false cures
Peacockize, v.: To behave like a peacock; esp. to pose or strut ostentatiously
Merry-go-sorry, n. A mixture of joy and sorrow
Ear-rent, n. The figurative cost to a person of listening to trivial or incessant talk
Be sure to check out the article link so you can see the entire plethora of definitions. Use one in a sentence soon!
30 Lost Words
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