Monday, January 27, 2025

Final Fantasy XVI Pets

I am not, nor have I ever been a dabbler in video games. However, I am a huge fan of handsome dogs in costumes. Now seems to be a great time to flood the internet with animal pics. Cats generally hold the market, but there is no shortage of dogs either.

This was an old draft going back to June of 2023. There was a lot of excitement about the release of
Final Fantasy XVI, the 16th reiteration of the popular series for PlayStation. It is a world where combat intersects with magic. The realm is the continent of Valisthea with inhabitants of bird creatures and monsters.

This post is intersecting the Final Fantasy world with a Pet contest that occurred in Syndey, Australia. Owners were challenged to outfit their dogs as some of their favorite Eikorn monsters. Torgal is the trusty dog companion in the game, a fiery Silver Husky. The event was sponsored by a local rescue with, of course, a prize-winning gaming system along with the new release. 

So what I can share is dogs with feathers, capes, shields and crowns. Enjoy them.

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