Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baby Season

Since it is spring and the time of year for new births, here is a slant with a very unusual perspective. The impetus is from a science article in Extreme Tech and comments on the relatively new world of stem cell research. In short - stem cell work can take any healthy cell and convert it into working organ tissue from/ or for any part of the body. The exception being egg or sperm cells which need a fully developed being.

Until now! Lest we get too excited, it is a much more complex process. It takes a more "controlled' environment which pushes the cells in very specific directions rather than just allowing them to evolve on their own. But there are definite possibilities that it can be done. Labs can create a sperm protege cell which would then need to be incubated in an actual male where they could then mature into fully functioning ones.

This further complicates the ethical dilemma that is stem cell research. A couple that has fertility issues could now rear their own children again. A deceased father could technically father an heir for a child. Some fanatic could pull a hair from a piece of clothing and conger up a child from a celebrity encounter. The myriad is baffling. Could you, but would you?

Extreme Tech

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Food Truck Feasting


Another resolve - since only half the New Year's ones have stuck. But I'm hoping that once weather finally warms up, I can take in some great outdoor eating options.

I am vowing to try patio happy hours at least a few times a month. So any friends out there, holler me up! Company makes it more fun for all. And there are plenty of new eateries in my hood.

undead%20frank%27s.jpgBut I am also eyeing the new crop of Food Trucks coming to town. They park all over, but I never seem to take the time to track them down. Even with a locator app on my table. I go for the convenience of Uptown and what is close at hand. A new online blog features at least 7 new choices. I'm not sure that Tru Pizza is my cup of tea, but WildEarth Pizza bakery grabs my attention a bit more with maple sourdough fired crusts??? BBQ is always welcome so Big Brother Almighty could hit a spot. The two most eager offerings are O Cheeze which will feature designer spins on the classic grilled cheese. Or Undead Frank's Zombie Bites from Pyscho Suzi kitchens with something always unusual and interesting. Keeping lunch and dinner interesting in the TC.