Tuesday, March 16, 2021


This word came up last month with a good friend of mine, Tinia. We were talking about the hoops we have been jumping through the last year, and I loved that this is the term we both see ourselves as. 

I often refer to myself as Resilient. And this is true, I bounce back from whatever massive curve balls I am dealt. In many ways it is an instinct, almost an internal survival mode. But if I take some time to really examine myself; Scrappy seems the better term. Whereas resilience is a natural trait, scrappy to me implies that it is coming from a place of pure stubbornness and willing it to happen! It is not passive in the least, but involves moving mountains at times.

By definition, scrappy implies disheveled and disorganized. That certainly fits me in many cases. In common
usage it also means pugnacious and determined. I see it as digging in and doing what it takes in spite of adversity. Taking risks! Sometimes it is not pretty, and I can indeed get fierce & short when in the middle of the struggle. Not so much a temper, but just belligerent and will likely shove a bit to get someone out of my way. In the words of Scooby's little brother Scrappy Doo: "Lemme at 'em"

I wear the moniker with pride. It is my own David vs Goliath mantra. You figure it out and Get 'Er Done. It works for me. We all realize it has been a long haul these last 12 months. I hope everyone finds their way of weathering obstacles and we all come out the better for it. Scrappy works for me. What gets you through?