Perhaps it is because of the recent Grammy's telecast? There was a lot of talent, but I am not so sure about memorable moments. Definitely some, but for the most part I found them milk-toast. Maybe that is why when something so extraordinary comes along it really does leave a larger impression.

Secondly, I was just talking with a colleague about being overwhelmed with hatred and negative. It rears its head in politics, race, finance, even frustration of road rage in the car on the way home daily. Ironically it is perpetuated by social media just like this! But I still feel a personal need to throw these thoughts out into the universe if even for my own purging and sanity.
But this song, speaks volumes to those times when the overwhelm hits a boiling point. It is calm and the serene. The eye in the center of the hurricane that we sometimes need to hear. And this particular rendition, years after the release, is indeed memorable in so many ways; talent, spirit, message and connection. I love it still.
Ive been listening to this song for as long as it existed. it never fails to nail me to the floor. This time, hearing them live and 'back together' it was not only bittersweet, but so spot on. And at the end, after Art Garfunkel's tour de force, when Paul applauded him, and they hugged, I was moved to tears. Simon has always been a bit snifty about success not his own, but this was genuine, and moving.