Sunday, May 17, 2020

Pop-Up Floral

I am trying to share positive posts of the season that will bring some brightness & surprise over challenging weeks. Here is one that has caught my attention thanks to #BetteMidler who has a Twitter feed that is everything you would expect in terms of spouting and inspiration from the oddest of places. Most of you would not guess that she is a New Yorker who spends much time and money on gardens and projects all across the city.

This is a a florist in NYC, Lewis Miller Design who has been generously doing pop-up art projects in the oddest of places. His hope is to create moments of spontaneous joy as street traffic stumbles onto his massive displays of color and art. He talks about his roots in California where nature and color were vibrant everywhere. Then, how a move to the East changed his perspective and how flowers were not in that same abundance. He also talks about flowers being an impermanent thing that last only a short while and then can be changed to bring on a totally different aesthetic to the same room or location. An artist whose medium is nature.

The idea for his Flower Flash began on Friday evenings as he was taking home excess stock from his florist and noticing the attention the color brought from people around him. So he has found inspiration in everything from a fire hydrant to a fire escape. The concept was to "Be there, be beautiful and then disappear." Fans now eagerly await postings with a location on his Instagram page. I find them magnificent.

Lewis Miller Design - Instagram 


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