Saturday, November 20, 2021

Fall Color Paintings

One of my favorite craft projects when I was younger were the rainbow crayon drawings. You would scribble in bright colors and then smudge the entire sheet in Black. By scratching away the colors with a needle or tip, you could then create panoramas in reverse silhouette. I found them fascinating.

These massive scale artworks follow that same concept. Much like sand art on the shore or chalk art on a sidewalk. They last only a brief amount of time until the elements of nature erase them like an Etch-a-Sketch.

These are nature works from Slovenia by a naturalist named Nikola Faller. It is a small town named Osijek. Using simple rakes and larger blowers. He works in urban parks and takes aerial images via a drone that reveal them as large mazes. I would guess their impact cannot be as appreciated from ground level. They are magical. It seems like a project that could take place as a community outing anywhere with a team of people and someone with a bit of artistic vision. Along our Mississippi or any of our large lake front parks.

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