Thursday, April 6, 2023

Kitty Superheroes

It is Spring. It is the change of seasons and a time of new growth. We often think of our gardens, seedlings and bulb blooms in April. But it is also notorious for litters of kittens, bunnies and the like. I can vouch that our Humane Society shelter kittens continue to be adopted out quickly, as it seems no one can pass up the face of a sweet feline with a pink tongue.

I am pairing these
Cute Kitties up in a post that again begs the question of AI created artwork. The world of computer-generated photos is beyond me other than simple photo editing of images I have taken. And I do love the ReFace app for silly takes imposing my face onto vintage pictures or epic film clips. As is the case/ argument for this new realm of "creative arts," there is plenty of material floating out there in virtual space, but not a ton of license showing who created the content or even where it was generated from.

I have found a collection of photos rendering kittens as Marvel characters, Harry Potter characters, or other notable personalities. I am only sharing because they are CUTE. I cannot vouch for the authenticity of any of them nor give credit to the creative aspect of them. I am not even sharing a link for them as they are just out there in virtual space on Tik-Tok, Reddit or others. I just felt like sharing some sweet kittens for Spring!

1 comment:

  1. I share your concern about the fine line between art and manipulation and combination of existing images. It would be intersting to see how it all shakes out in 25 or 50 years, but I probably won't be around. The big concern, too, as you note, is attribution and how to protect intellectual property, yet still make it accessible for others to enjoy.
