Thursday, August 15, 2013


Blogging means different things to many people. For some it is a chance to purge inner demons and throw karma out into cyber space. For others it is a chance to share and connect. For me, it is usually more random and trivial. I enjoy tidbits and think of this journal as a virtual postcard of things that I stumble upon in my daily life - like a museum, a sunset or an exotic flower that I would photograph on a trip. It is my way of sharing with others if they happen to take a bit of time to peruse it. Or not.

But this post is a bit out of character for me. A personal scream of sorts. Life has been a stressful hand this summer. For those few that I have been fortunate to have a spare minute or two with, this is old news to you. Summer is usually a time for re-energizing, but that has been far from the case this year. If I had more perspective I could say job stress, physical exhaustion at times, maybe a need for a change of scenery.But if I had the answer, I could begin to offset it.  Lately I feel like hurling my slow laptop at the wall or slamming in the back fender of the impossibly slow driver in front of me. Although I am well aware of my irritable state, last night it reared its head in an evil way. If I had a top to blow - you would have seen my mental health in shreds on the pavement.

It was to begin with a harmless trip to the grocery store for butter and soap. But it turned into an escapade of tearing the house apart to find a missing set of car keys - almost literally. I knew I had let myself into the house, so logic was beside me as to where they could be. There is the hook right by the front door where habit has them 364 days of the year. After a good hour I found them 2 feet away next to Waylon's dog leash. No clue why. Then on arriving at the store, I found that I brought a phone, but no credit card which would do me no good in the check out lane. Back home again - where of course nothing turned up. I am a practical person and retraced every step from pants pockets to bathroom counters. Apparently I had left it in the receipt holder at Famous Dave's the night before. Absent minded or insane - I am not sure why. But a phone call reassured me that it was there - if I had remembered to bring my ID along in my wallet to identify myself. Yet another trip home. A simple task became a fiasco of epic proportions. Even a day later, I am still not sure if should laugh at the folly of it all. Joey obviously needs to get a grip on his life!


  1. Happens to the best of us. I spent 45 minutes looking for a small piece of equipment on a job site last week. Finally found my back pocket.

    1. Jason - did you really post this at 4:56AM? Someone needs to get a bit more sleep!
