Monday, September 22, 2014

An Actor's Life For Me?

It has been several years now since I have trod the footlights on one of our Twin Cities stages. It has been a self-imposed hiatus and everyone once in a while I think "that was a great show, I wish I was up there doing that with them." But for the most part, the frustration and lack of logic prevails. I have found my niche in the non-profit world where I have much to offer despite the duplicate lack of income. I do know however, that it will not come to an end after 6-8 weeks. I also am still plenty connected to the theater world as an Ivey evaluator and am performing more than ever with my solo cabaret work. So the creative element is still very much intact - just refocused maybe. In honor of tonight's Ivey Awards, 2 theatre snapshots.

Here are two other feeds that give some additional perspective on my choice. The first, in utter seriousness, offered up by Cracked blog; 5 Awful Things Nobody Tells You About Being An Actor! View the whole posting for details which are boggling and entirely true. But here are the bullet points.
5 Awful Things 
  • 1. You aren't building a real skill set. - the things you apply will never make you a marine biologist or non-profit lobbyist.
  • 2. Most roles have nothing to do with Acting. - look at any of their examples auditioning for a 30 second commercial spot.
  • 3. You will never be considered for the Real roles that require Acting - because of SAG casting conundrums that benefit the Real working population. At least Equity work is more tangible.
  • 4. Your faith will be exploited. - most of the real creative process is done by writers and directors. You are merely the puppet bringing their vision to life.
  • 5. You won't make enough money to live on. - enough said.

The other feed is more comical and is a photo feed of ridiculous promo pictures that have gone to press at the expense of poor actors. I think we have all been in shows that have some merit, even if minimal. But what usually lives on in shelf life, are the images that try to capture a moment. And face it, the good theaters know this and pay a pretty penny to make sure it is sealed up in a time capsule. But what about the onslaught of others, community and elsewise, that are trap us actors in a nightmare of eternal digital hell. Here are but a small few from an endless Tumblr feed that needs to be seen to appreciated. Please add yours to the list.
Show Nuff


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