Sunday, January 4, 2015


After a few days deliberation; here is the new list to hold accountable for the next year. A few are carry-overs from the previous year since they were either a good fit or can continue to use some improvement.

Baking or Cooking - once a week. In spite of my ridiculously small kitchen, there are few things I enjoy more than firing up the oven, warming up the crock pot or making a creme brulee. I have plenty of gadgets and fine cookbooks. So I just need to continue to make it a practice.

Stamped Mail - I still get a pleasure out of writing personal letters to my grandmother or other distant friends. It takes so little time, just the thought to put the words down on paper. I can do better.

Personal Time - I have given myself glimpses of this but also need to make it part of my rituals to replenish. Sometimes it need be only 5 minutes at work to watch traffic go by and clear my mind. Or a Saturday morning in a yoga class to clear the cobwebs that build so quickly in my OCD brain.

Cabaret Sets - I have made good strides at moving my shows from concept into actual performable evenings. This is the year to make it all happen. Find the venue, put the date on the calendar and deliver. Hear me Sing!

*Simple Thought - not so much a resolution but a gentle reminder. "Enjoy the nice days when they happen." Minnesota can be a brutal place to raise our spirits with unforgiving frigid days or dark grey stretches. So, it is important to really appreciate the days when it is all perfect; sun on my face and a cardinal chirping from the top of a tree.

** Simplify - another new concept is to not add more to the list, but to strip away things that are road blocks or get in the way. Sort of like an "unfriend on Facebook." For me 2015 is the year I so no thank you to summer marching band parades. There was a time I enjoyed them, but no longer. I need to enjoy every free day of the summer with dogs, gardens and friends. Take back the weekends!

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