Thursday, March 17, 2016

Timeless Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren is at least a generation before me. I am aware of her legacy even though I don't know the catalog of her films. Especially because so many are native to her Italia. I am just familiar with her ageless beauty that has spanned nearly 75 years. To me she has always had that magical chemistry. From modest roots in a small town in a shelter during the war, and then later being plucked from a soundstage of extras - she continues to make an impact. She was given an honorary OSCAR as "a treasure of world cinema."

She still has the glamour without all the fixings and traps of a plastic exterior. Here is a new promo campaign for a Dolce & Gabbana perfume line which mirrors her grace in the renovation of a luxurious Italian villa. We see her in work clothes and plaster. At first I thought it outlandish, but on reflection thought that maybe it was at least a remote possibility from somewhere in her life. Of course she is surrounded by hunky male models, alabaster ceilings and courtyards of roses. But when it comes to the final climax of the short film, all eyes go to her and a single red rose.


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