Monday, December 31, 2012

I am Resolute!

I am aware that people sit on both sides of the resolution fence. But I have always been a believer. I enjoy this holiday more than most, not for the popping of champagne as the ball drops in Times Square, but I look at it as a new opportunity to clean house and start fresh again. We all take detours in life and this is a chance to press the rest button or jump ahead to a past our current road block.

My countdown has taken place in different places - sometimes in decadent fashion at First Avenue, others time in silence up North. But it is usually in the company of good friends having so much fun that we forget to turn on the television and announce the actual moment. A good tradition to have.

With my new blogging ritual; I am feeling the need to proclaim this years resolutions. Not as a way to dangle them in front of others. But, possibly if I put them out there in print to the larger world, it will hold me more accountable? I usually have about a 50% return rate. Here in no order:

1) My biggest need is to find more Balance in my life. General I know. But my Virgo tendencies get caught up in the details and it binds me up more than it should. I need to give myself small benchmarks, pat myself on the back when I reach them and let go. Instead of brooding and pandering to the minutiae of little things that seem to matter to me, but make no dent in the much larger picture.

2) Eat breakfast. I enjoy my mornings, but tend to ease into the day with a cup of coffee or tea and launch into my tasks. By noon or 1PM I start to realize that I am running on fumes because of neglect. I have never been ruled by my stomach. There is always plenty of food in the cupboards so all I need to do is take the time to grab something and go. Today it was a bit of granola with blueberries. An easy fix.

3) Read more BOOKS. I do read plenty, but most of it is now digital media. I am a huge fan of daily blogs and my Google Current magazines. Usually a few paragraphs in GQ or Entertainment Weekly. But I have a set of shelves next to my bed with gift books and garage sale finds that have been waiting for patiently a few years now. It should be an easy task of reading a short chapter or two each night before bed. My the goal is to finish a single hardcover book each month. 12 - is not too big a task.

4) Eating out. Jeff always jokes about my Group-on fix of buying great bargains and then never using them before they expire. But another possibility are the onslaught of eating adventures within the neighborhood. I always notice the barrage of joints along Lake Street. There are always great write-ups about happy hours for the taking. We have talked about the Food Truck craze for months now and even have a tablet app for them. So once a month, I will sample something new and unique instead of drawing on my regular standy-bys.

5) Eating in. This should be an easy challenge. I really do enjoy the task of cooking and baking. Jeff & I both do. On a long work day I love coming home to the crock pot on low and a fresh baked loaf in the machine. It is never the cooking at issue, but the menu planning. It starts with a grocery list and then allowing the extra time to let it bake. Once a week should not be too hard to have the nice sit down meal with all 4 food groups.

6) Fitness. This is on almost everyone's hit list. I need to find a way to include it and make it unique for me. I think the days of hitting the gym are long gone for me. I don't have the money for the membership or the time at hand to make it a daily task. So I need to find creative ways to sneak it in. I love yoga classes for centering but never make it the priority. In winter it can be as simple as sledding or skating. In the summer I love the biking at sunset. I just need to pencil it in rather than making it a luxury. Abs will be back by spring.

7) Game nights. My family has always been a playing one. I love logic games, creative games, skill games. Anyone who knows me is aware that I have an entire closet devoted to over 50 games. I love Clue, but does anyone else have 4 versions of it? (Although I am still on the lookout for "The Office" edition.) But games are no fun to play by yourself. I want to be able to have a game night a month with friends and food. Stay tuned for invites.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bring on 2013

The thing I am looking MOST forward to in the coming year. Net flix instant viewing - I cannot wait. 14 Brand new episodes starting on May 4th! Can I get a Woot Woot!

Will Buster still only have one hand? Will Tobias still have his never-nude complex? Will both Lucilles still be next door neighbors? Are Maeby & George Michael still kissing cousins or more? And what about Lindsay - is she family or not? All will be revealed.

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Year that was 2012

As I take the last few days of the current year to reflect on a growing slate of resolutions, I think it is always important to look to the past for insight and perspective. Personally, it has been a year of much introspection and challenge and I am still trying to emerge the stronger for it. I am hoping next year is about recovery and balance foremost. I think many are in a similar spot and would agree.

But one quest I have always had, is the search to know and comprehend more. I am a huge fan of technology and Google in particular. My tablet this year has opened up vast channels to read, search, play & listen exponentially. I have authored not one - but three separate blogs. It is my personal form of journaling. I have learned how to set up and manage websites. I read all my news on line and also use it to bake, shop, video conference and sing-along. Who would have ever guessed what a "cloud" is a few years back? Amazing stuff.

So it is fitting that I turn to Google and their Zeigeist montage to capture the defining global moments for 2012. Olympics, Elections, landings on Mars; they are all here and this is only the tip of the iceberg. But the amazing thing is that with the press of a button, we will always be able to find and remember them.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


New Years is always a time of change - often out of our control. Such is the case with my beloved car Geo. He will be missed....

Went on the blink last Thursday in the middle of the holiday stretch - how is that for shitty timing? Stumped the mechanic with a clutch pedal assembly that somehow snapped. Trouble was finding a salvage part to fix it since they no longer make them. And then also heavy labor because of involving the entire dash and steering column. I was told it is lucky that we were not driving it at the time as the clutch and brakes would have stopped working completely. So Tyler at Tires Plus advised me to make some bucks off it via Craiglist with someone who can repair it and use it as on off-road vehicle. He is going up north to Mora MN to become a 4WD plowing car on the range. Sad but true.

He has been a very loyal sporting pal for both Waylon and I with many adventures in the Region and will be missed. Anyone who knows a good dealer they trust - send them my way!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

And then - simply put. Have a blessed and meaningful day however you choose or are able to spend it.

Last day of Christmas Shopping

I am not sure why, but many of my holiday postings have been campy. Three alone now are involving drag queens. What does this say about me and my view of this season? No idea, but maybe I am just needing to find some humor in my day to day life?

Today's comes from my morning read of Towleroad again. It is Miss Coco Peru and her last-minute quest to find some Panetoni for her neighbors. If you are not aware - it is a boxed Italian fruitcake that is heavy and lacking by itself, but actually makes a great French Toast when soaked in an egg/ rum baste. Her list includes Armenians, Indians and a gay man in what must be an eclectic Jersey neighborhood. She even has her naughty list of who she will NOT be buying for - the gay boys who never wave back at her. Her pilgrimage is comic as she hits a local store and walks out. Then a Walgreens which seems to have everything she does not need. And finally a great shout out to Trader Joe's which has exactly what she is looking for but overwhelms her and she leaves empty handed.

I gravitate to her frustrations this year as I came up quite empty on much of my shopping as well. I thought I had a great idea to assemble stockings for all. But finding the stockings themselves was not an easy task as I seemed to buy more and more of less and less to fill them up. A noble effort but still feel like I rate a D+ on my efforts. The ultimate smack was the mailing cost which likely amounted to more than the gifts themselves. Bah Humbug?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Leave a Light On



Sadly, much of this holiday season has escaped me. There has been plenty of holiday music, a show, and I did decorate a tree late in the game. But many of my normal traditions have gone the wayside - not by choice. Cookies that were never baked, cards yet to be sent and lights around the house that never were hung.

Here are a few pics that have been shared through the StarTribune. 'Tis the Season of Sharing so I am taking in the joy that others put out in the universe for now.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

We Three Queens

In the spirit of holiday irreverence, here is something that is wrong in many ways. But so campy that it merits sharing here. WRONG!

It is almost like one of those hidden object pictures where the longer you look, the more you see. I think my favorite are the jingle bell nipples, the recorder, the white leggings and whatever color lip-gloss that is they are wearing - could it me mother-of-pearl? Here are the Pussy Willows in their holiday rendition...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tower in the Sky

56 Leonard Street

Today a forward from a really interesting architecture website called Architizer. I was tipped to it by some of my tablet readings. It is showcasing major building projects in NYC that are either too controversial to build or have faltered in the economics of building. Some bordered on sci-fi and others are definitely water cooler conversation. I'd have to see them in person to know for sure from the renderings.

MOMA Tower

Moynihan Station
South Street Seaport - Pier 17

Sunday, December 16, 2012

An Altar In the World

With all the musings and discussion on the holiday tragedy in Connecticut, I have been teetering between processing in silence or ranting publicly like so many others are doing on Facebook et al. My consolation came this AM at church which centered around this writing by Barbara Brown Taylor. Without getting preachy, I will try to summarize it:

Her writings and philosophy are about encountering a God who does not live in a church - but among the people. The particular passage - which I cannot find on line, but am interested in reading the book now, (Which anyone who knows me is a challenge) - concerns a study group that is challenged to personify the Beatitudes in living form without text. I honestly had heard the term but had no recollection of what they actually were. They are New Testament teachings based on love and humility. Anyway ....

The one discussed today was Those who mourn: for they will be comforted. Apparently one women was reluctant to participate and designated herself as a corpse to remove herself from the assignment. The group of 5 women made a simple tableau by cradling her head, and connecting hand to body amongst them. When it came time to display, it began in silence - but the women on the ground was soon overcome with sobbing. And from there it elevated through the rest of the women. It became such a living, breathing enactment that the whole room was soon overcome with grief at the simple gesture of the tableau. And what hit us all today was that simple element of connection, grieving in silence where no words were needed. We all need that touch or common bond - in these times where words are not of worth.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Flat Tire

I have been bitching much about driving in this insane web of ice rinks over the last few days. I don't think I ever remember travel being this difficult on a daily basis. Where I am at a loss is that it is not the result of any terrible storm of the century. This is Minnesota and it makes no sense. Someone at City Hall needs their head on the block for accountability. (and will likely hear it from me - my civic duty)

But the thing that has been ludicrous to me are the bikers that are insisting on defying the elements!!! God bless them for reducing the carbon footprint and give them 4 gold stars for effort. But people - it just does not work! Sidewalks are passable, but every street I have seen, excluding highways, are virtual skating rinks. Getting through an intersection at a red light is questionable in my Geo Tracker which has four wheel drive. And yet I see these countless bikers putting their life at risk bumbling along beside me. In half instances they give up and dismount the cycle and merely walk it along. The point is lost on me and I would be frustrated and bitterly cold beyond belief. If anyone out there can justify this please tell me why. Put it in storage until March maybe and let the Bike Messengers downtown pedal for now. This is why we have Public Transportation.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Camp

In the spirit of keeping things light! Or light in the loafers I should say.

I keep finding these silly things of the season, but want to share them anyway. If no one else reads them, at least I have them to refer back to. I am all about holiday music in any shape or form.

This one from a drag trio called the Supreme Fabulettes and directed by no less than Boy George. As expected, some of the lip syncing is less than accurate and they chew up scenery as much as the Christmas dinner on the plate. I am also guessing they got much help in terms of studio embellishment, auto tune and additional back up help. But they certainly are having a good time screaming about a done wrong holiday romance. The eye candy of Johnny Hazzard adds to the scenery as well. Costumes and production values are an A+. Here is You Ruined My Christmas.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Cookies

One of my favorite traditions of the season is my baking. Spotted this of our dear friend Cookie Monster and wanted to share his spirit with you. I am SICK of this song and the many interpretations of it; but he brings a new twist to it as the Muppets always do. Bottoms up.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fag Hag for the new Milennium

The blog title sounds a bit harsh, but it is actually a silly trifle of a post. Totally off subject with the holiday season, irreverent, and adds some needed humor to the ongoing Gay Marriage agenda after the recent heated political season.

As we take note of our allies in the "battle", it seems our strongest opponent are straight white men that somehow feel threatened by the changes it would bring. And our most likely co-horts might be their girlfriends that feel disenfranchised over their lack of commitment to them. So in revolt - they are staging a movement to marry us instead; reaping the benefits lacking in their current relationships.

The video spoof is funny, the four actresses each bring a character that we all know, and the background new age music is cloyingly annoying. It is produced by Feet First Films. Enjoy!