Monday, July 22, 2013

a Dip in the Lake

It has been a long while since posting. Much of it is a large workload, but the other aspect is taking some quality time for summer season. Aquatennial fireworks, firepit s'mores with Jeffrey and Waylon in the side yard, quiet time watering the garden.... a requirement in this glorious season.

I know I have mentioned it several times in the past and already this summer. But there is nothing like our fabulous Lakes in the city of Minneapolis to better enjoy these months. I was reminded of it again last week during our severe HOT stretch. After an especially tiring Friday it was a no-brainer to just grab a towel and head over a few blocks for a dip to cool down. The sun was low in the sky with a gentle breeze that defied the heat of the day. A crowd nearby had the great aroma of a BBQ. A gaggle of mallard ducks seemed to be entertaining the kids along the shore. But it was all about the cool and clear water. Not a hearty swim but just a splash to cool the body temp down. Perfect again.

Schoep, John Unger
And then this second tidbit of the healing power of the waters here. I remember seeing this photo from last year and it touched me then. The dogs name is Shoep and his owner is John Unger. The picture was a viral sensation last year when it circulated. Shoep was an aging husky and his daily dips in Lake Superior with his owner were soothing to his aching old body. Apparently the 20 year old dog just recently died and a second wave of sympathy was pouring out to John. Sweet and sad for any of us tat are dog owners. I will think of this often as Waylon and I enjoy our adventures in the summer MN waters.

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