Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Resolution Report Card

Thought before I start to fire off the new list of 2015 Resolutions, I should do a bit of evaluation on how I did the past year. I can tell in advance - expectations were too high and deliverance was not on par. Boo Hoo, time to reset.

Baking/ Cooking - B+; the goal was to fire up the kitchen at least once a week. This was probably my strong suit. Facebook posts showed much of the output in terms of baking from cookies to cupcakes. But in between, there were several crock pot dinners, a warm breadmaker or fires over the summer in the firepit.

Twitter - A; was to become my voice for a political agenda. This Blog is my rant for all things dainty, comic and hopefully occasionally something profound. But to me Twitter is a chance to stay current on important issues and "speak out" on things that matter to me - with a barb thrown here or there! 276 posts means almost every day.
Basement - C-; there were several attempts, a few boxes shifted and runs to the thrift store with clutter. The new storm windows almost got put in after 2 years, but we missed the "opening" before the cold set in. Not likely a winter project - on hold til spring. (I did find the lost holiday stockings.)

Scanning Pictures - B-; There were often the #TBT pics from my past. If not every week, a few times a month. Especially after the trip home with a bundle of vintage snapshots. Now to organize them in my digital folders.

Happy Hour/ Game Nights - F; epic fail. Maybe a few cocktails on patios with a Groupon. But otherwise nothing on the calendar panned out. Big regrets on this one!

Letters - C; an old resolution that has stood the test of time. To reach out to family and friends with a real stamped letter. Maybe not as strong as previous years, but the intention was still there. Always a matter of time.

Book a Month - D-; I don't know what happened. I used to be a voracious reader in school. Maybe I burned out on text books? All I had to do was read one a month and I got through 2 and 2 1/2 books. That makes it more than 4 months to read a single novel. Dreadful.

Wellness - D; I did take in a few Gorilla Yoga classes at the lake. Doctor visits. And some mental time out brought my blood pressure down. But not the rituals that it should be. I'd kill for a hot tub or sauna for inspiration.

Vacation - B+; I was supposed to have that respite on a sandy beach. Alas that didn't happen. But I did have a great NYC trip with Jeff and the Madison Scouts, an Erie trip for a class reunion and a few good judging trips to get away and find a nice restaurant.

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