Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Holiday cards in the mail


I spent the weekend prepping a batch of cards for distant friends and family. Trying to keep them special with a bit of holiday decor and flair - a stamp here and there. Personal notes to all. It is often the one time of year to actually say a special hello and check in.

badfamilyxmasphotos3But after seeing the constant deals on Shutterfly, Walmart and everywhere else - I can see why it is so much easier to take the seasonal portrait and have it printed on a card. Cheap, thoughtful, efficient. It is also not a new tradition; just made easier with technology. So I always am amused by the list of unfortunate family pics that made it out there. How do they dig up these things!? Here are a few choice shots, but be sure to click on the link for the entire montage. Not to be missed. And if you have more, please share them.
Walmart Holiday photos


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